LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER: Get 20,000 Articles Thrown In...

Are you tired of writing countless blog posts with zero results from all your hard work?

The World's First “All Inclusive” 3-In-1 Blogging Toolkit That Automatically Spits Out Unlimited, Hyper Profitable Niche Blogs In Minutes!

No Writing. No Experience. No Skills Needed. Everything Is Included!
(See Full Proof Below)
Get The WP Toolkit Niche Blog Tools Plugin For Just $97 $19 One Time Payment Today!

Instant Access + 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

With This Brand New Toolkit Instantly Deploying Profitable Niche Blogs Just Became As Easy As 1..2..3!

Easy Research

Instantly uncover hot, trending and profitable keywords from the top 6 search engines.

Free Images

Use your keywords to quickly grab stunning stock photos and images from the top 3 sites… 100% free!

Bulk Import

Automatically convert PLR articles to blog posts with 1-click bulk import and even drip feed posts over time!

Don’t Let The Ease Of Use Fool You Though!

This Is A Super Powerful, Tested & Proven Formula & It’s Already
Creating Life Changing Results For Our Early Beta Testers!
Brett Ingram ..

Matt's got the fastest and easiest way to monetize any Wordpress blog.

Blog Link Magic adds affiliate links to keywords automatically so you can make commissions without the hours of tedious work.


KME Byrne ..

A good plugin should always be about making time consuming jobs quick & easy...

The WP Toolkit guys have done exactly that again, and then gone the extra step by combining THREE essential tools into one!

Paul Okeeffe7 Figure Online Marketer

This plugin is the fastest and easiest way I've ever seen to start building niche blogs.

The guys from WP Toolkit really know how to pull together all the absolute essentials and get the real hard work and heavy lifting done for you...

They take care of your content, keywords & stock photos, all in one plugin!

Simply awesome, this is a must for anyone interested in running niche blog sites...


I know images get me more clicks, but I seldom have the time to source good quality Royalty Free images...

Now I can get access to thousands in a couple of clicks!

If you've got a WP Blog you should be using this plugin...

Is This The Easiest Way To Make Money Online?

Blogging remains one of the most absolute best and most effective ways to get traffic, make sales... and for anyone to start making money online. There is a reason why so many products and course tell you to use blogging in your marketing.

Niche blogging is even better… it can be very easy and extremely rewarding to go after that long tail keyword and set up a winning blog, that will keep earning a passive income for years.

However, there are a few things all these course forget to tell you…

Every Blogger I Know Have Banged Their Head Against This Wall...

Not every niche blog you set up will be successful… far from it! You can increase the odds with good research, but at the core it’s still a numbers game… you need to create a bunch of blogs, in order to find the winners.

Most people run into the same problems and I’m sure you will recognize these too:

  • Keyword research has gotten really hard. Most of the great free tools of old have disappeared. It seems like the only good keyword tools now are either horrendously expensive or super complicated.
  • Setting up a niche blog (let alone 10) takes a lot of time. You need to do your research, installs, set up. It can be really frustrating to spend all this time and see zero results from it.
  • Of course you also need to write a bunch of blog posts to get your blogs running and to keep them fresh. Try keeping 10 niche blogs updated and you’ll quickly run out of time and money.

It’s really no wonder that most aspiring niche bloggers give up before they even have their first blog up and running… and that’s a real shame because there really are a lot of easy to pick, low hanging fruit, just waiting for you to harvest the profit… you just need the right tools!

Even Extremely Lazy People Can Make Money
With This System!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I have never been a fan of hard work… after all, I am the guy behind the Lazy Git Marketing system.

I’ve been niche blogging since the invention of blogs and I have been making a lot of money in niches ranging from marketing to World of Warcraft and something as exotic as parakeet breeding.

I’ve been in the trenches, doing my fair share of 18+ hour work days, writing thousands of posts and researching keywords until my head was about to explode… and I have certainly experienced my fair share of failures.

It has gotten me to where I am today, where I am able to start a new profitable niche blog in minutes and with minimal and sometimes zero writing.

I have created and perfected a system and I was going to teach it you… but then I thought; why teach, when I can just spare you all the hard work and frustration by simply handing you the exact same toolkit I use for my niche blogging…

Introducing The

WP Toolkit

Niche Blog Tools

Niche Blog Tools is the world’s first 3-in-1 blogging toolkit that lets you easily research trending keywords, grab high converting images, bulk PLR articles and automatically create new posts to quickly set up unlimited profitable niche blogs all from inside one simple to use WordPress plugin suite and with zero writing needed!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Instant Access To Today And How You Can Easily Have Your First Profitable Niche Blog Live & Making You Money Within Minutes From Right Now!

WP Toolkit: Niche Blog Tools is a suite of 3 amazing plugins that will work on any WordPress blog. They are simple to install, very user friendly and extremely powerful.

Trending Keywords

Scour the top 6 search engines; Google, Bing, eBay, Yahoo, Amazon and YouTube to instantly find hot trending keywords that people are searching for right now. Drill down into each keyword with a single click and see all the search results for it.

This is an easy and super efficient way to find profitable keywords and niches, without having to spend a fortune on complicated software.

Free Stock Photos

Enter your keyword to find 100% free, high quality images from the top 3 stock photo sites Pixabay, Unsplash and Pexels.

Click a single button to add these to your WordPress media library and use them to quickly enhance your posts and to instantly increase your ranking, retention and results.

Bulk Article Importer

Import unlimited PLR articles into your WordPress site and instantly convert them into blog posts. With this tool your can create a new niche blog without writing a single word yourself.

You can even set the author and category for each post and even choose whether to drip feed each article over time, creating a set & forget blog for true passive income!

Here’s Exactly How

Niche Blog Tools Works

In 3 Simple Steps

STEP - 1

Use the keyword tool to start guaranteed profitable blogs with real-time trending keywords from the top search engines.

STEP - 2

Enter your keywords to find high quality, conversion and SEO boosting free images… and instantly add them to your blog.

STEP - 3

Import PLR articles to create unlimited blog posts with no reading. Drip feed your posts over time and then.. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ever growing stream of traffic & sales!

This Will Work For Everyone!

It Doesn’t Even Matter If You’ve Never Blogged Before...

But I’m a complete beginner… Great! …It takes 10 minutes, tops, to learn how to use our Toolkit. Using a proven system like this will allow you to cut months… even years of your learning curve. It will save you a small fortune on complicated and overpriced software.

But I already have a few niche blogs running… Congratulations! … you are well on your way! Now imagine the amount of money you are going to save by getting rid of all your monthly subscriptions… and how much more efficient you will be when you have all your niche blogging tools in one convenient place.

But I’m a super affiliate niche blogger… Awesome! … then you are very likely extremely busy and looking for ways to simplify and scale up your business… and that’s exactly what this toolkit can do. It will allow you to immediately act on a great idea, instead of having to wait for a slow content writers.

Don’t Just Take My Word For It Though!

See For Yourself What Other People Say About The Amazing Results They Are Experiencing With The WP Toolkit: Niche Blog Tools

Luan Henrique ..

They've done it again - another Niche Blogging headache (or 3) cured!

Such a simple plugin, that's going to make my blogging quicker, and make me more profits in the process...

Thanks Guys!

Amit GaikwadSoftstrem Technologies

Matt's got a habit of taregting the basic things that have to be done and just making them easier...

With the scheduled posts your blog content can be setup for months ahead in just seconds... this really is powerful!

Igor Burban ..

When you're just starting out blogging you don't realise how important using images in your posts is...

Let alone where to look!

Matt's new plugin means you don't have to... and that's just 1 of 3 tools you get..


The sheer simplicity of Blog Link Magic makes it a joy to use!

and I can't remember ever seeing a plugin that can turn all your content in to commission pulling links in just a couple of clicks...

Top Work guys!

That’s Fantastic Matt! … But How Much Will Niche Blog Tools Cost Me?

Much less than you’d think!

I want to be 100% honest with you though.

I’m sure you could eventually figure all of this out yourself, you would just have to do it the hard way and put your blood, sweat and tears into tedious manual keyword research and a lot of writing.

So ask yourself this, doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of this special offer today and put yourself on the easy path to success!

You will also be able to purchase the 3 individual plugins separately later on, but the prize will be a minimum of $47 per plugin.

Why pay more later when you can secure access to the entire toolkit a the special low discounted price you see below.

Fair warning though, this special offer is only available during the early bird launch period… after that the price will go up and the plugins will only be available for individual purchase.

I know that puts a lot of pressure on you to make a quick decision... so I’m going to make your decision extremely simple.

I Want To Remove All Risk For You & So I’m Including A 30-Day “No Questions Asked” Money-Back Guarantee!

That’s right… I’vehave saved the best bit for now.

Unless you are completely blown away by Niche Blog Tools and everything in it… I don’t want your money!

Grab Niche Blog tools today and try it out for 30 days. If you for any reason, or no reason at all, aren’t happy with your purchase… Simply ask for a refund and you’ll get it, with no questions asked. We’ll part as friends - that’s my promise to you!

Use it to research thousands of keywords, build hundreds of automated niche blogs. Everything you research and create during these 30 days will be yours to keep, no matter what you decide… they are yours to keep and profit from forever!

I’m 100% confident that you are going to love Niche Blog Tools though, and I’m looking forward to showing you everything it can do for you… and your bottom line.

Guarantees like this don't come along every day...
Neither do opportunities like this...
So we need to talk about price…
But before we do…

Let’s Recap Exactly What You’re Getting Instant Access To Inside

  • All inclusive, 3-in-1 niche blogging toolkit for WordPress
  • Find unlimited trending keywords from the top 6 search engines.
  • Find free high quality stock photos from the 3 top sites.
  • Instantly add these images to your WordPress sites.
  • Bulk import PLR articles to build a blog with no writing required
  • Automatically drip feed your posts and create a set & forget blog

I Do Have To Warn You Though

There Is One Small Catch!

It is however a very real catch on securing your copy of the Niche Blog Tools.

I’ve already dropped hints that Niche Blog Tools is going to be split up into 3 separate plugins soon and that is going to happen… 100% guaranteed!

When the countdown timer below reaches zero this page will be taken down… forever!

… and you would then have to purchase the 3 plugins separately for at least $47 each.

This is not a gimmick! If you leave this page now and come back later, I can not guarantee that you can still get in.

This is your only and final chance to completely bypass any future cost and get your hands on the entire Niche Blogs Toolkit for the low one time investment you see below.

So if you are at all serious about becoming a better niche blogger… about saving money and making your life a whole lot easier...

Then there is only one thing left to do…

Take action today and invest in your future. Secure your access to Niche Blog Tools and don't let someone else take your place!

Click The Button Below To Secure Instant Access To Niche Blog Tools Before The Price Goes Up!

Get Niche Blog Tools For Just $97 $17 One Time Payment - DIMESALE TODAY!

Instant Access + 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

The only way you can lose out here is if you walk away empty-handed... This really is the cheapest way to secure all the niche blogging tools you’ll ever need… and the most effective way for anyone to start earning money from blogging... fast!

P.S. Right now you're at a fork in the road - you can either carry on as you are - wake up tomorrow in the same place - wondering why your blogs are making any money and why you are paying steep monthly fees for tools you hardly ever use... Or you can take action and invest in yourself and your business today - nothing is going to change unless you do! So trust your gut and click on the buy button now.

P.P.S Remember that this is a time limited special offer. If you close this page and try to come back later, I can not guarantee that this offer will still be here, in fact it will likely be too late and the page will be gone for good… and you’d have to purchase each plugin separately. Why pay more later though? With my guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the buy button now and get started today!

Click Here To Order Now

Beginner-Friendly | Instant Access | 100% Secure Checkout

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!