From: WPToolkit

RE: Your WP Video Magic JV Invitation

WP Video Magic is one of our all time simplest plugins, making it incredibly easy to take advantage of Amazon S3, CloudFront AND DROPBOX for hosting your videos to cut out expensive video hosting platforms...

It allows setting up super fast hosted video delivery via S3 & CloudFront AND DROPBOX without the complicated setup headaches.

Easy 1 Click CloudFront distribution setup that securely delivers your video to customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds.

Video Shortcode Statistics that tracks how long your videos has been played.

Display timed content such as buy buttons that show up below the video at a defined point in your video.

Note: All Of Our Software, Wordpress themes & Plugins are evergreen, with
on-going support and updates,
suitable for Long Term promotional campaigns.

WP Video Magic

Goes Live On Tuesday 2nd Feb 2021 @ 11am EST

I would like to take a few minutes to show you what WP Video Magic is all about and why it converts as well as it does.

1) Super fast hosted video delivery via S3 & CloudFront

2) No complicated setup headaches. You dont need to use the AWS console to setup your CloudFron Distribution Buckets

3) Super simple 1 Click CloudFront distribution setup

4) Securely delivers videos to customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds.

5) Video Shortcode Statistics that tracks how long your videos has been played.

6) Display timed content such as buy buttons that show up below the video at a defined point in your video.

7) Ad Free & Branding Free Videos.

Watch the Demo/Tutorial Video at the top of the page to see the plugin in action!

"WIIFM": -

Big Savings

WP Video Magic works with both Amazon S3 & CloudFront, giving you instant access to some of the cheapest and most powerful video hosting. Amazon’s low pricing will make your savings add up very quickly.

Don’t Need Your Own Videos

WP Video Magic naturally also works with YouTube so you can easily add videos to your blogs and start enjoying all the other features… even if you’ve never recorded a single video before.

Easy 1-Click Setup

You have access to Easy CloudFront Integration and 1-Click CloudFront setup. You don’t need any technical skills or experience to get started and you can quickly get your first video up even if you’ve never used Amazon for video hosting before

Mobile Responsive

Your videos will be 100% mobile responsive and will play perfectly on all types of devices. This means you will get the most out of all your views and never lose a potential sale again.

Video Player Included

WP Video Magic naturally comes with its own inbuilt state-of-the-art HTML5 Video Player so you no longer have to rely on broken flash players. And you don’t have to worry about finding and paying for a 3rd party player.

Zero Ads & Links

Embed and play your videos with zero ads and no links to other people’s related videos. So you can stop bleeding profit by sending your traffic to the competition.

Smooth Viewing Experience

Set your videos to autoplay if you like and hide/show the video controls with a single click. You can even choose if you want the video to start auto-buffering as soon as the page is loaded, to give your visitors a smooth viewing experience.

Delayed Buttons & Links

Easily set any HTML content to appear beneath your video at a specific time. You can use this for delayed order buttons, opt-in forms, links or any other HTML content. This feature will turn your videos into high converting sales machines.

Encrypted & Secure

WP Video Magic comes with a full Amazon S3 Media Manager that makes it simple to find and use the videos on your S3 account.

We’ve also added an download security & encryption for all S3 hosted files.

Numbers That Drive Profit

Understand exactly how your videos are performing, what people are watching, where and for how long. Our Advanced Media Analytics will give you all the answers that will take your video marketing to the next level!

Ready To Promote WP Video Magic?
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Partner Commissions:

Our approved partners get a standard 50% commission for sucessfully promoting one of our WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins or software products.

During new product launches, Versions Update releases and perdiodic special offers we sometimes also offer performance based, goal orientated bonus opportunities.

To qualify for these and get more details you need to be subscribed to our partners newsletter, the optin is below.

We also run retargetting campaigns on Google ads during our launch offers, new releases and special offers to ensure all visitors are drawn back to the offer multiple times.

Partner Bonuses:

During new product launches, Versions Update releases and perdiodic special offers we sometimes also offer performance based, goal orientated bonus opportunities.

To qualify for these and get more details you need to be subscribed to our partners newsletter, the optinform is above.

Track Record of Launches and Promos

We hope you are interested in helping us launch BlogLinkMagic - and we are looking forward to working with you as partners on a long term basis.

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Get In Touch For More Details


Matt Garret

Skype: mattg69

